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Антифеминизм - противоположность феминизму во всех его проявлениях.
Многие сторонники антифеминизма понимают, что феминизм разрушителен для общества и семейной жизни. Некоторые из них также считают, что феминизм уже выполнил свои задачи, и теперь требует больше, чем равенства.
Антифеминистские группы, в частности, указывают на впечатляющий рост процента разводов и разрушение семьи с момента появления феминизма, а также что уровень преступности, подростковой беременности и наркомании наиболее высок среди детей, растущих без отца.
Среди блогеров считается, что антифеминизм - это тоже феминизм, и что реальное противостояние феминизму возможно через распространение правды, фактов и конструктивное развитие мужчин отдельно от женщин и общества, а не через споры и попытки наладить отношения.
Литература об антифеминизме
- Redefining the New Woman, 1920-1963 (Antifeminism in America: A Collection of Readings from the Literature of the Opponents to U.S. Feminism, 1848 to the Present), Howard-Zophy
- Un-American Womanhood: Antiradicalism, Antifeminism, and the First Red Scare, Kim E. Nielsen
- Andrea Dworkin, Right-Wing Women: The Politics of Domesticated Females (1983; ISBN 0-399-50671-3)
- Susan Faludi, Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women (1992; ISBN 0-385-42507-4)
- Cynthia D. Kinnard, Antifeminism in American Thought: An Annotated Bibliography (Boston: G. K. Hall & Co., 1986, ISBN 0-8161-8122-5)
- Jane J. Mansbridge: Why We Lost the ERA, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1986
- G. Swanson, Antifeminism in America: A Historical Reader (2000) ISBN 0-8153-3437-0
Антифеминистская литература
- Новоселов О., Женщина. Учебник для мужчин (2015) ISBN 978-5-17-089285-3
- Helen Andelin, Fascinating Womanhood (2007) ISBN 0-55338427-9
- Alan J. Barron, The Death of Eve: Women, Liberation, Disintegration (1986) ISBN 0-94966736-6
- Alan Carlson, The Family in America: Searching for Social Harmony in the Industrial Age (2003) ISBN 0-76580536-7
- Alan Carlson, Family Questions: Reflections on the American Social Crisis (1991) ISBN 1-56000555-6
- Gilbert K. Chesterton, Brave New Family (1990; essay collection) ISBN 0-89870314-X
- Thomas Fleming, The Politics of Human Nature (1988) ISBN 1-56000-693-5
- Maggie Gallagher, The Abolition of Marriage: How We Destroy Lasting Love (1996) ISBN 0-89526464-1
- George Gilder, Men and Marriage (1992) ISBN 0-88289444-7
- Steven Goldberg, Why Men Rule: A Theory of Male Dominance (1993; originally published 1971) ISBN 0-81269237-3
- Steven Goldberg, The Inevitability of Patriarchy (1977) ISBN 0-81269237-3
- F. Carolyn Graglia, Domestic Tranquility: A Brief Against Feminism (1998) ISBN 0-96532086-3
- Mary A. Kassian, The Feminist Mistake (2005) ISBN 1-58134570-4
- Linda Kelly, Disabusing the Definition of Domestic Abuse: How Women Batter Men and the Role of the Feminist State (2003)
- Myron Magnet, Modern Sex: Liberation and Its Discontents (2001) ISBN 1-56663384-2
- Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture (2001) ISBN 0-77352272-7
- Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young, Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination Against Men (2006) ISBN 0-77352862-8
- John Piper and Wayne A. Grudem, Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (1991) ISBN 0-89107586-0
- Mary Pride, The Way Home: Beyond Feminism, Back to Reality (1985) ISBN 0-89107345-0
- Phyllis Schlafly, The Power of the Positive Woman (1977) ISBN 0-87000-373-9
- Phyllis Schlafly, Feminist Fantasies (2003) ISBN 1-89062646-5
- Howard Schwartz, The Revolt of the Primitive: An Inquiry into the Roots of Political Correctness (2003) ISBN 0-76580537-5
- Lionel Tiger, The Decline of Males (2000) ISBN 0-31226311-2
- Esther Vilar, The Manipulated Man (1972) ISBN 0-95309642-4
- Danielle Crittenden, What Our Mothers Didn't Tell Us (2000) ISBN 0-684-85959-9
- Midge Decter, The New Chastity and Other Arguments Against Women's Liberation (1974) ISBN 0-399-50307-2
- Thomas Ellis, The Rantings of a Single Male (2005) ISBN 0-9762613-1-6
- Thomas Fleming, The Politics of Human Nature (1988) ISBN 1-56000-693-5
- Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Feminism is Not the Story of My Life (1996) ISBN 0-385-46790-7
- George Gilder, Men and Marriage (1992) ISBN 0-88289-444-7
- F. Carolyn Graglia, Domestic Tranquility: A Brief Against Feminism (1998) ISBN 0-9653208-6-3
- Richard T. Hise, The War Against Men (2004) ISBN 1-930859-61-9
- Domestic Violence: The 12 Things You Aren't Supposed to Know; Thomas P. James, Aventine Press, 2003, ISBN 1-59330-122-7
- Gertrude Himmelfarb, The De-moralization Of Society (1996) ISBN 0-679-76490-9
- Christina Hoff Sommers, The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism is Harming Our Young Men (2001) ISBN 0-684-84957-7
- Christina Hoff Sommers, Who Stole Feminism? (1995) ISBN 0-684-80156-6
- Mary A. Kassian, The Feminist Mistake (2005) ISBN 1-58134-570-4
- Linda Kelly, Disabusing the Definition of Domestic Abuse: How Women Batter Men and the Role of the Feminist State (2003)
- The Female Thing: Dirt, Sex, Envy, Vulnerability, Laura Kipnis, 2006
- The Lipstick Proviso: Women, Sex & Power in the Real World; Karen Lehrman, 1997, ISBN 0-385-47481-4
- Myron Magnet, Modern Sex: Liberation and Its Discontents (2001) ISBN 1-56663-384-2
- Harvey C. Mansfield, Manliness (2006) ISBN 0-300-10664-5
- Diane Medved and Dan Quayle, The American Family: Discovering the Values That Make Us Strong (1997) ISBN 0-06-092810-7
- Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young, Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination Against Men (2006) ISBN 0-7735-2862-8
- Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture (2001) ISBN 0-7735-2272-7
- Kate O'Beirne, Women Who Make the World Worse (2005) ISBN 1-59523-009-2
- John Piper and Wayne A. Grudem, Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (1991) ISBN 0-89107-586-0
- Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women's Studies; Daphne Patai and Noreta Koertge, 1995, ISBN 0-465-09827-4
- Erin Pizzey, Prone to Violence (Hamlyn, 1982; ISBN 0-600-20551-7)
- Mary Pride, The Way Home: Beyond Feminism, Back to Reality (1985) ISBN 0-89107-345-0
- Phyllis Schlafly, Feminist Fantasies (2003) ISBN 1-890626-46-5
- Howard Schwartz, The Revolt of the Primitive: An Inquiry into the Roots of Political Correctness (2003) ISBN 0-7658-0537-5
- Philip Gordon Wylie, A Generation of Vipers (1942) ISBN 1-56478-146-1
См. также
Feminism And Anti-Feminism Are The Same Thing - MGTOW - Angry MGTOW (3 ноябрь 2016) (Время: 10:25 мин.)
- Википедия содержит статью про Антифеминизм
- Научный интернет-журнал "Демографические исследования": demographia.ru
Feminismus, nein Danke! Genderismus, nein Danke! - Charlie Brown (22 февраль 2025) (Время: 10:45 мин.)
- Antifeminism France: aimeles.fr (english)
- Антифеминизм Россия: antifeminism.ru