Statistics of page views

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Ниже показано до 11 результатов в диапазоне от 1 до 11.

Просмотреть (предыдущие 50 | следующие 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)

Page counter (total) 3: Hits since the article was created until today. (Sum of columns 4 and 5)
Page counter (until) 4: Hits since creation of the article until 31.12. last year (column 3 minus column 5)
Page counter (2024) 5: Hits since the beginning of the year until today. (column 3 minus column 4)
Page counter (estimated) 6: Hits of the current year (column 5) extrapolated to the end of the year.
Page length 7: Calculated text length without footnotes, internal and external links, without citations.
Status 8: see “Report status” to get more information.
IdPage titlePage counter (total)Page counter (until 31.12.2023)Page counter (2024)Page counter (estimated)Page lengthStatus
86Нападение на трубопроводы Северный поток6712127658520 34811 843Count limit 1 reached
54MGTOW2414189352116103221Too few hits
77Немецкие зеленые57311445914181360Text too short and too few hits
16WikiMANNia5382492845414038331Too few hits
78Nein, meine Söhne geb' ich nicht557134423130710 379Too few hits
85Анналена Бербок52016835210884992Too few hits
50Pussy pass181616601564821764Text too short and too few hits
17Антифеминизм241522931223776936Too few hits
71Психология176123531644455Too few hits
61Stefan Dürr689644451391868Too few hits
57Юрген Хасс184118073410512 289Too few hits

Просмотреть (предыдущие 50 | следующие 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)

Возврат к странице Служебная:Counting marker.